Your Confidence Level:
What does that mean?
You probably feel up to most challenges, and are likely to embrace more risk and action than most. You feel you can solve problems or make things happen. Most of the time, you are able to cope and deal with just about any challenge life throws at you – both key attributes of confidence.

To learn more about confidence, how to maintain it, and experience more success and resilience in your personal and professional life, take our self-paced video course, Your Confidence Code. Sign up now and get the course for the discounted price of only $149. It just might change your life.
How can you keep your confidence up?
Even those who are fairly confident experience periods of self-doubt. We believe there are a number of things you can do to keep your confidence at a high level – some may seem basic, but they can be transformational.
Sleep, move, share
We may sound like your mother but it’s true. A lack of sleep and exercise produces an extremely anxious brain. Being close to our friends boosts our oxytocin levels. Guilt-free girlfriend time is healthy. Also, find time to meditate. A calm brain is the ultimate confidence tool. You will increase your ability to control your emotions and feel clear and calm about your goals.
Practice making decisions
The ability to make decisions in a timely fashion, and take responsibility for them, is a critical expression of confidence and leadership. Even if you make the wrong decision, they say, decide. Any decision is better than inaction.What’s the worst that can happen? You could fail – but the costs of failure are nearly always worth the risk that comes with trying something just outside your comfort zone.
Focus on others
Now that you cracked your Confidence Code, pass it on.
Women support each other, but sometimes what a friend or colleague really needs is a push.
Rather than repeatedly telling a friend she’s great, try encouraging her to take action instead. Often, it takes just one suggestion or one comment from a friend or co-worker.We can help each other most by giving each other permission to act. One little nudge might be all we need.
Ban perfectionism in your daughters
Girls internalize the lesson that they need to get everything right to reach the top of the class, which leads to perfectionism. But this ends up smothering achievement. Perfection is the enemy of the good. It’s also the enemy of confidence.
Praise her moderately, not excessively. Help your daughter feel satisfied when she’s done her best, regardless of whether she’s done better or worse than others. And lastly, show your daughter you aren’t perfect either. When you make a mistake, don’t hide it. Then show her the world didn’t end just because you messed up.
Thank you for participating in The Confidence Code Assessment!
You are now part of one of the first research studies related to women and confidence and we’re excited to work together to gather insight that will help women around the world embrace confidence in their lives.
To learn more about confidence, how to maintain it, and experience more success and resilience in your personal and professional life, take our self-paced video course, Your Confidence Code.
Sign up now and get the course for the discounted price of only $149. It just might change your life.